Donate to ISoc

from £5.00
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Cambridge University Islamic Society relies heavily on the generosity of donors to function. Alhamdulilah it is through your kindness that we are able run many of our events. Whether it’s Freshers Fortnight, which welcomes incoming Muslim students to Cambridge, our yearly Ramadan Iftar programme, where we provide free and subsidised meals throughout the holy month, or maintaining the upkeep of the Prayer Room, every penny is spent with the intention to serve the Cambridge Muslim community for the sake of Allah ﷻ.

If you would like to donate a different amount and/or avoid the processing fee for online transactions (1.5% + 20p for UK cards), you can donate directly to ISoc via bank transfer. Cambridge ISoc’s bank details are:

Name: University of Cambridge Islamic Society
Account Number: 55007306
Sort code: 23-05-80

Any contribution you can make, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated, and will help us to continue provide and support our beloved Society and its members. If you have any queries, or to find out about more about other ways you can help, for example through sponsorship, please contact our Treasurer.

Jazakum’Allahu Khairan!