السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you
Cambridge University Islamic Society
What is ISoc?
ISoc serves the social, spiritual and academic needs of Muslim students, and, most importantly, fosters feelings of brotherhood and sisterhood amongst each other. The result is a vibrant and inclusive society which is based on our mutual beliefs and strengthened by our friendship. Absolutely everyone is welcome, whether you’re Muslim, interested in Islam or simply looking for a friendly face!
ISoc holds a wide variety of events. From Freshers Fortnight to Charity Week, and Muslimah Week to Explore Islam Week, there is something for everyone to enjoy!
We know how how intimidating the application process can be, which is why we run numerous Access programmes throughout the year to help applicants.
Whether you’re struggling to settle in, having Week 5 blues, or just need a friendly face to chat to, our dedicated Welfare team are here for you anytime.
Freshers’ Handbook
Attached below is our Freshers’ Handbook for 2024-25! You can find out more about ISoc, the Executive Committee, prayer spaces in Cambridge, where to get halal food and much more!
Explore the latest happenings, events, and moments that define CUISoc right here! Find out what we have planned next down below….

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